
Mobile Fingerprinting

Fingerprint White

Individuals can be asked to submit fingerprints, known as livescan, as part of a background check prior to working in private, public or government positions or to meet pre-licensing requirements by a state. At Binary Biometrics we offer mobile fingerprinting services where we come to you. If you are located in the Space Coast, Brevard County, Indian River County, or Orlando Area, you can set up mobile fingerprinting services at your convenient location at a mutually convenient time.  Out of area services may are also be available.

Binary Biometrics will bring their mobile fingerprinting equipment to real estate offices, healthcare facilities, businesses and schools in order to facilitate large and small groups alike. We can provide services in nursing schools, where we can set up our terminal right in the classroom in order to make it easy for everyone to get fingerprinted and processed. Additional locations may also be possible depending on the circumstances. 


There are a number of benefits to mobile fingerprinting, and perhaps the biggest one is the fact that it saves time and is extremely convenient. Those who are being screened no longer have to travel to the police station in order to get their fingerprints taken. It also benefits those who request background checks, as they can be sure that fingerprints are taken in a timely manner rather than having individuals put off this task. By having fingerprinting performed on site, numerous individuals can be processed at the scheduled time. 

Cost Involved

The cost of this mobile fingerprinting service is surprisingly affordable. Individuals won’t have to worry about transportation, parking, or taking time off from school or work to accomplish this task. In many cases, their fingerprints can also be processed much sooner, which could mean a shorter wait time before receiving a professional license, clearance or obtaining a job offer.

When it comes to mobile fingerprinting, Binary Biometrics is a leader in the industry.

Call to schedule and appointment
855-722-6695 or 321-953-5998

We may also be reached by email at: moc.walamaw@eciffo