Florida Level 2 Background Checks: What is a Screening Request ID?

As LiveScan Providers, we are often placed in the middle of regulatory bodies and licensees, employers and employees. Recent changes from the Florida Department of Health and the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) have brought about a lot of questions in background check procedures. To clear up any confusion, we have tried to make it as clear as possible when and how Screening Request are used and for which applicants they should be utilized. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

  1. Who needs a Screening Request ID?
    • A Screening Request ID is only used for those professions and positions who utilize the AHCA Clearinghouse Portal. As of December, 2015, this includes the 21,582 facilities and providers who have an AHCA number (Follow this link to see if your facility is on this list). If your facility is on the list, follow this link for a complete breakdown of which positions require a Level 2 Background Check.
  1. What if I have already had a background check, do I need to complete another one?
    • As of December, 2015 the Agency for Health Care Administration will exempt a second check only if your prior background check was a Level 2 Background Check, it met the standards of the agency, “is less than five years old, the final screening determination is provided, the person has not had a break in service from a position that requires screening for more than 90 days, and the person signs the Affidavit of Compliance with Background Screening and was performed for these specific agencies:

Agency for Health Care  Administration – including Licensure and Medicaid

Department of Health (Certified Nursing Assistants only)

Agency for Persons with Disabilities

Department of Children and Families

Department of Financial Services

Department of Elder Affairs (https://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Central_Services/Background_Screening/Screening_Info.shtml )

  1. I am under 18 and an intern, do I still need a Level 2?

Regarding Interns

The Agency for Health Care Administration states that, “At this time the Agency for Health Care Administration does not have statutory authority to screen students unless they are interning in a mental health facility licensed under chapter 395, where the primary purpose is not the treatment of minors, and they are not under direct supervision in the actual physical presence of a licensed health care professional.

Regarding Minors

The Agency for Health Care Administration has this to say, “Children under Age 18 – The law does not change based on the age of the employee/contractor. If a child under 18 years of age meets the definition of one of the positions above he/she must undergo the same screening as a person over age 18. (More found here: https://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Central_Services/Background_Screening/Rqrd_Screening.shtml )

  1. My facility is regulated under both DCF and AHCA, can I go through either to get the Level 2 Background check?
    • Yes, as of December, 2015 the Agency for Health Care Administration allows the following types of facilities to request a screening through either DCF or AHCA:
      • Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled
      • Community Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Units **
      • Residential Treatment Centers for Children and Adolescents **
      • Residential Treatment Facilities **
      • Short Term Residential Treatment Facilities **

NOTE: Contact the AHCA Background Screening Unit or the Department of Children and Families here or by phone at 888-352-2842 if you are not sure if your position/facility qualifies.

  1. I never had to request a screening before, why am I being told I have to now?
    • During the 2012 Florida Legislative Session changes were made that changed the procedure for Level 2 Background Checks. As a result, the Agency for Health Care Administration ClearingHouse, known formally as the “Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse was formed and screening requests became an integral part of the new laws. Information on these statutes can be found here.
  1. I am / my applicant / my Chief Financial Officer is residing out of state, do they have to come to a Florida LiveScan Service Provider to get fingerprinted?
    • In fact, we specialize in accommodating out of state applicants. You will still need to initiate a screening if necessary and provide us with the screening request ID, but we have a simple out of state process that will accommodate applicants who reside outside of the State of Florida. Give us a call at 1-855-722-6695 to learn more.
  1. How do I register, initiate a screening, and use the portal?
    • How to register, tutorials, and instructional information on using the portal can be found here. You may also contact the AHCA Background Screening Unit at (850) 412-4503 or at moc.adirolfym.acha@neercSGB

When you are ready to schedule an appointment for your Level 2 Background check with Binary Biometrics (also known as 01001010 Biometrics), use our simplified booking process by clicking “Schedule an Appointment or give us a call at any time at 1-855-SCAN-MY5 (1-855-722-6695)!